“There is something wonderfully bold and liberating about saying yes to our entire imperfect and messy life.”
—Tara Brach
Rachel Fried, PsyD
Co-Founder & Co-Executive Director of Evidence Based Therapy Los Angeles
Dr. Rachel Fried completed her doctorate in clinical psychology at Pepperdine University. She completed both her internship and postdoctoral fellowship at the VA Sepulveda Ambulatory Care Center. During her fellowship year, Dr. Fried specialized in developing expertise in evidence-based trauma treatments, as well as evidence-based substance use treatments, both from a harm reduction and abstinent only approach to treatment. Prior to her doctoral work, Dr. Fried received masters’ degrees in Educational Psychology and Technology as well as Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of Southern California. Dr. Fried is currently an adjunct professor in the Marriage and Family Therapy Master’s program at USC. Dr. Fried is also an adjunct faculty member at Pepperdine University where she supervises MFT trainees. Dr. Fried’s research interests center on studying how psychology trainees develop the capacity to self-reflect on their clinical practice in the context of supervision. Her clinical interests include treating trauma, Borderline Personality Disorder, substance use disorder, as well as depression and anxiety, utilizing the most up to date evidence-based treatments.
“Everything can be taken from a man, but the last of the human freedoms: to choose one’s
attitudes in any given set of circumstances.”
— Viktor Frankl